So I got my Asus Transformer on Black Friday and I'm loving it. I was thinking of waiting for the the Asus Transformer Prime but the cost difference was 250 dollars. The way I see it, why should I spend and extra 250 for it. Yeah it has a quad core but would that really make a big difference in over all preforms. I have all the apps I had on my phone. over 80 plus widgets running. There is very little lag. then again everything has lag.
Pose with the nerd |
Batman background |
I would call this more of a very small skip. For example if an app would take .95 seconds to open there are few time when it takes .97-1 second. So to me that is not that bad. Before I had my task manager on auto kill, but not on the Asus. And from what I see this a quad core is really for High end, very high end games and so far the current CPU in the transformer seems to work just fine. But either way you view it, I only paid 249.99.
Hulking out! |
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