Have you every told someone that you like to dress up as your favorite character from movies, book, TV shows, etc. Normally that person will look at you and say really you dress up, like in those Star Wars outfit.
And they picture something like this
Why would they think it is Star Wars and why do the think your weird for even liking it. The person who played that character must like dressing up since they have to do it for roles. I understand they get paid for it but they still like doing it. Some people put time and money into their outfit and some are even had made.
Its not like they all dress up and go to the mall in their outfits or walk around their house (and what if they did, its not your house it's theirs). I guess people don't see that we dress up as part of the occasion. Isn't the same thing when you dress up for Halloween as a sexy robot, or as a cop? what make that any different?
I feel that the people have not experience a lot of things so that are not the social norm so they pass off anything they haven't seen one MTV as childish and weird (even though I view everything on MTV as childish). Well for all my fellow cosplayers don't be afraid to let your inner hero shine or go into the dark side. All players are well come.